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... Over skyerne vandrer midnatten. Over midnatten svæver fuglen usynlig for dagen. Lidt højere end fuglen driver æteren og murene og tagene flyder.”) Fotografisk forstørrelse af collage [#61], eksemplar 1/5, udført af Max Ernst, 73 x 55 cm ...
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The 19th Century Danish writer, Steen Steensen Blicher deserves to stand alonngside the great writers of world literature, from Boccaccio to Manupassant, and this selection of his work will make a group of his most important stories ...
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Looking at both his art (many of the works she discusses are reproduced in the book) and his writings, she reveals how thoroughly alchemical philosophy and symbolism pervade his early Dadaist experiments, his foundational work in surrealism ...
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No detailed description available for "Surrealism and the literary imagination".
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Listen to me, and I will tell you some of these legends..." Discover this little known story by Hans Christian Andersen. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist.
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Leven en werk tot 1927 van de Duitse schilder (1891-1976), een van de veelzijdigste kunstenaars uit de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw.
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The book is structured in three themes: "Tradition and Authority", about the relations between the author and the tradition in post-modern literature; "Narrative Technique", about the role of the author; and "Textuality and Hypertext", ...
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Max Ernst used the word "frottage" to describe a medium invented by him in 1925, which proved to be his most original contribution to automatism in art.