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Underfulde billeder i kunst og litteratur Camilla Skovbjerg Paldam. # 48 Max Ernst : Collage trykt i collageromanen ... over ' Den himmelske brudgom : ' Jeg er den kvindeløse Gud . Jeg er den hungrige Gud . Selv som billede må jeg ...
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The nineteenth-century Danish writer, Steen Steensen Blicher deserves to stand alongside the great writers of world literature, from Boccaccio to Maupassant, and this selection of his work will make a group of his most important stories ...
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Looking at both his art (many of the works she discusses are reproduced in the book) and his writings, she reveals how thoroughly alchemical philosophy and symbolism pervade his early Dadaist experiments, his foundational work in surrealism ...
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Max Ernst used the word "frottage" to describe a medium invented by him in 1925, which proved to be his most original contribution to automatism in art.
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Originally published as a special issue of Critical Inquiry, the present collection includes two new contributions by Max Black and Nelson Goodman, along with a comprehensive index to the work.
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It tells about a small boy who has received bad marks at school, has been scolded by his mother for having torn his trousers and whose girl friend has foresaken him.