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inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
... assembly met at Basle , 30 Jan. , 1536 , composed of the most prominent ... Catechism of Geneva " ( 1541 ) , the " Consensus of Zurich " ( 1549 ) , which ... confess that those baptized in it do not need a second baptism . " This ...
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
... assembly met at Basle , 30 Jan. , 1536 , composed of the most prominent ... Catechism of Geneva " ( 1541 ) , the " Consensus of Zurich " ( 1549 ) , which ... confess that those baptized in it do not need a second baptism . " This ...
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
... assembly met at Basle , 30 Jan. , 1536 , composed of the most prominent ... Catechism of Geneva " ( 1541 ) , the " Consensus of Zurich ” ( 1549 ) , which ... confess that those baptized in it do not need a second baptism . " This ...
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
... assembly met at Basle , 30 Jan. , 1536 , composed of the most prominent ... Catechism of Geneva " ( 1541 ) , the " Consensus of Zurich " ( 1549 ) , which ... confess that those baptized in it do not need a second baptism . " This ...
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
... Catechisin , yet it was very much approved and commended by feveral eminent Divines [ H ] . It appears that our Author was then very far from the ( b ) A large vil lage or Borough near. freely , and promised , that he would follow their ...
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
"Det andet kejserdømme" er historikeren Philip Guedallas værk om det franske rige omkring sidste halvdel af det 19. århundrede.
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
"Stolthed og fordom" er en tidløs klassiker om kærlighed, kønsroller og klassesnobberi.
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
Det aflåste værelse er tredje bind i New York Trilogien, Paul Austers store litterære gennembrud. "Det rykker i én når man læser Auster. Verden er ikke helt den samme, når man er færdig med hans bøger.
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
En velbevaret hemmelighed er tredje bind i Clifton-krøniken, en episk fortælling om magt, forræderi og familiebånd. "Førsteklasses håndværk." – Weekendavisen om Clifton-krøniken
inauthor: Assembly of Divines Confess and Catech fra
Mægtigere end sværdet er femte bind i Jeffrey Archers stort anlagte Clifton-krønike, en episk fortælling om familierne Clifton og Barrington og om magt, intriger og forræderi.