Anne Dutton's many writings are significant because they impacted evan-gelical revival in England (and in the colonies). Particularly significant is her voice as a Baptist writer responding to revival in England and in America.
A collection that includes letters about the Moravian Brethren, ""A Postscript to a Letter Lately Published on the Duty and Privilege of a Believer"" (1746); ""Letters on Spiritual Subjects: Sent to Relations and Friends""; and, ""Letters ...
Dutton's hymns and poetry are also included in this volume. Dutton's poetry, A Narration of the Wonders of Grace (1734), was a prominent publication in her day. It contained 1,504 lines of poetry in six parts based on themes of salvation.
Were there no other reason, this alone would make the literary legacy of the Baptist Anne (Williams) Dutton (1692-1765) significant. In 1731, Anne and her minister husband, Benjamin Dutton, settled in Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire.
This collection of Anne Dutton's writings pulls together a variety of her correspondence and shows her significant involvement in theological debate and controversy.
Three collections of Dutton's letters--Volumes I (1740), IV (1746), and VIII (1750)--on spiritual subjects addressed to relations and friends also appear in this volume.
At det ikke var ham, som var den slemme undertrykker, der levede af sin kones penge og forhindrede, at hun kunne dyrke sin karriere som skuespiller. Strindberg skrev romanen på fransk i 1887-88.
Den amerikanske forfatter Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) er bedst kendt som skaberen af junglehelten Tarzan, men hans omfattende forfatterskab spænder vidt over mange forskellige genrer, heriblandt western, adventure, fantasy og science ...
Den amerikanske forfatter Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) er bedst kendt som skaberen af junglehelten Tarzan, men hans omfattende forfatterskab spænder vidt over mange forskellige genrer, heriblandt western, adventure, fantasy og science ...