23. dec. 2000 · William Whewell (1794–1866) was one of the most important and influential figures in nineteenth-century Britain.
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William Whewell FRS FGS FRSE was an English polymath, scientist, Anglican priest, philosopher, theologian, and historian of science.
William Whewell FRS FGS FRSE var en engelsk polymat, videnskabsmand, anglikansk præst, filosof, teolog og videnskabshistoriker. Han var Master ved Trinity College, Cambridge. I sin tid som elev der opnåede han udmærkelse i både poesi og matematik.... Wikipedia (engelsk)
Født: 24. maj 1794, Lancaster, Storbritannien
Død: 6. marts 1866, Cambridge, Storbritannien
Inspirerede: Augustus De Morgan, Norwood Russell Hanson og Isaac Todhunter
Priser: Royal Medal og Chancellor's Gold Medal
Uddannelse: Trinity College og University of Cambridge
Ægtefælle: Cordelia Marshall (g. 1841)
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15. nov. 2024 · William Whewell was an English philosopher and historian remembered both for his writings on ethics and for his work on the theory of ...
William Whewell, the famous master of Trinity College in Cambridge, was a central figure in nineteenth-century British scientific culture and one of the last ...
William Whewell is most famous today for his work on the philosophy of science, history of science, and moral philosophy. Thumbnail of William Whewell View ...
24. maj 2019 · William Whewell, an English philosopher of science, was born May 24, 1794. Whewell (pronounced HEW-ell) taught at the University of Cambridge when Charles ...
30. jul. 2023 · He wrote authoritatively on architecture, mechanics, mineralogy, moral philosophy, astronomy, political economy, and the philosophy of science.
Wilhelm Whewell was one on the most prolific and influential writers of early Victorian England. Fisch reconstructs the historical origins of Whewell's two ...
British scientist and philosopher William Whewell was born in Lancashire, England; coined the word scientist and many other words used commonly in all areas of ...
William Whewell earned the title Second Wrangler in the formidable math tripo exams at Cambridge. He remained a leading Cambridge don in the decades that ...