Thomas Young FRS (13 June 1773 – 10 May 1829) was a British polymath who made notable contributions to the fields of vision, light, solid mechanics, energy, ...
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for 5 dage siden · English physician and physicist who established the principle of interference of light and thus resurrected the century-old wave theory of light.
Thomas Young

Thomas Young

Fysiker og læge
Thomas Young var en engelsk fysiker, læge og ægyptolog. Thomas Young påviste lysets interferens, opdagede øjelinsens akkommodationsevne og forklarede farveopfattelsen. Som ægyptolog fastslog han betydningen af mange grundlæggende hieroglyffer og... Wikipedia
Født: 13. juni 1773, Milverton, Storbritannien
Død: 10. maj 1829, London, Storbritannien
Ægtefælle: Eliza Maxwell (g. 1804–1829)
Thomas Young was an English mathematician and physicist best known for Young's modulus and his work on interference. Thumbnail of Thomas Young View two larger ...
In 1801 Thomas Young presented a serious challenge to Newton's ideas on the nature of light. Young was a true polymath, with interests ranging from physics to ...
14. nov. 2023 · Thomas Young performed many physics and physiology experiments, including measuring his own eyeballs to help him explain astigmatism.
13. nov. 2015 · Young was an English physician and a physicist who was responsible for many important theories and discoveries in optics and in human anatomy.
Thomas Young, born in 1731, was a family physician of John Adams and also one of the most enthusiastic and radical leaders of the patriots.
Bedømmelse (45)
Thomas Young (1773-1829) as the experimenter who first proved that light is a wave--not a stream of corpuscles as Newton proclaimed.
Thomas Young was an American revolutionary who helped to organize the Boston Tea Party.
Thomas Young (February 19, 1731 – June 24, 1777) was doctor, philosopher and a member of the Boston Committee of Correspondence and an organizer of the Boston ...