Thomas Hodgkin RMS (17 August 1798 – 5 April 1866) was a British physician, considered one of the most prominent pathologists of his time and a pioneer in ...
Thomas Hodgkin was born into a devout Quaker family in Pentonville, England, in 1798 (Table 1). His upbringing imbued him from early life with honesty, ...
Thomas Hodgkin RMS var en britisk læge, betragtet som en af de mest fremtrædende patologer i sin tid og en pioner inden for forebyggende medicin. Han er nu bedst kendt for den første beretning om Hodgkins sygdom, en form for lymfom og... Wikipedia (engelsk)
Født: 17. august 1798, Pentonville, London, Storbritannien
Død: 5. april 1866, Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel
Organisationer grundlagt: Aborigines' Protection Society og Ethnological Society of London
Bedsteforældre: Mary Verrall, Elizabeth Gibbs, John Hodgkin og mere
Oldeforældre: Susanna Hitchman, Elizabeth Peters, John Rickman og mere
On Some Morbid Appearances of the Absorbent Glands and Spleen
The Means of Promoting and Preserving Health
Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Membranes; Volume 1
On the Rule of the Society of Friends which Forbids the Marriage of Fisrt[!]-cousins
On the influence of physical agents on life. ... Translated from the French by Dr. Hodgkin and Dr. Fisher. To which are added in the appendix, some observations on Electricity: ... and some notes to the work of Dr. E. [Edited by Dr. Hodgkin.]
On the mode of selecting and remunerating medical men for professional attendance on the poor of a parish or district: read before the Hunterian Society, etc
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Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866) was a 19th-century pathologist best known for first describing the blood disease Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Thomas Hodgkin was an English physician who early described (1832) the malignant disease of lymph tissue that bears his name. Educated at the University of ...
Thomas Hodgkin, FBA (29 July 1831 – 2 March 1913) was a British historian, biographer, banker, and Quaker minister. Hodgkin's magnum opus, Italy and Her ...
30. jan. 2017 · In 1863, Thomas Hodgkin undertook a humanitarian mission to North Africa under the auspices of his lifelong friend, Sir Moses Montefiore. These ...
16. aug. 2022 · Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866) was an English physician and pathologist. Hodgkin contributed to the fields of cardiology, pathology and preventative medicine.
Thomas Hodgkin was the most prominent British pathologist of his time and a pioneer in preventive medicine. In a strange contrast to his great popularity, above ...
Traces the life of the physician, scientist, and reformer, describes his background and education, and recounts his medical and humanitarian accomplshments.
Hodgkin was buried in Jaffa and told me that his efforts to visit the tomb were not successful because of conflicting plane schedules.