Kathryn Gutzwiller holds an M.A. in Latin from Bryn Mawr College and a Ph.D. in classics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Gutzwiller is a professor of classics at the University of Cincinnati. She specialises in Hellenistic poetry, and her interests include Greek and Latin poetry, ...
Kathryn J. Gutzwiller er professor i klassikere ved University of Cincinnati. Hun har specialiseret sig i hellenistisk poesi, og hendes interesser omfatter græsk og latinsk poesi, antikke kønsstudier, litteraturteori og samspillet mellem tekst og... Wikipedia (engelsk)
Født: 25. september 1948 (76 år)
Uddannelse: Universitetet i Wisconsin-Madison, Marshall University og Bryn Mawr College
Kathryn Gutzwiller, University of Cincinnati: 479 Followers, 14 Following, 111 Research papers. Research interests: ancient Greek poetry and Hellenistic ...
Kathryn Gutzwiller is professor of classics at the University of Cincinnati. As a literary scholar with special interests in Hellenistic literature and the ...
GUTZWILLER, Kathryn J. PhD Click here for a Business Card. (0226) BLEGEN ................................... A&S-Classics Professor Emeritus
View the University of Cincinnati profile of Kathryn Gutzwiller. Including their publications, grants and teaching activities.
Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in Context (Volume 28) (Hellenistic Culture and Society). by Kathryn J. Gutzwiller · Hardcover.
Kathryn Gutzwiller offers the first full-length literary study of these important poems by studying the epigrams within the context of the poetry books in which ...
Kathryn Gutzwiller is a professor in the Classics department at University of Cincinnati - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating ...