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James MacKnight (1721-1800) was a Scottish minister and theological author, serving at the Old Kirk of Edinburgh (St Giles Cathedral).
James MacKnight (1721-1799) was a pastor in Scotland whose works, including a Harmony of the Gospels, Truth of the Gospel History, and New Translation of the ...
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5 free public domain works of James Macknight via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Book details ; Print length. 776 pages ; Language. English ; Publisher. Baker Book House ; Publication date. July 1, 1984 ; ISBN-10. 0801060311.
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A New Literal Translation...Apostolical Epistles by James Macknight 1821 (R4AC3) ; Item Number. 285896237364 ; Publication Year. 1821 ; Format. Hardcover ; Accurate ...
James Macknight was a minister in the Church of Scotland in the eighteenth century. His commentary on the apostolic epistles, originally published in 1795, ...
I am most interested in music ministry, pentecostal theology, biblical languages, and old testament studies. I previously served as the Worship Arts Pastor.
Macknight, James, 1721-1800 - The Online Books Page › book › lookupname
Macknight, James, 1721-1800: The sacred writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ : commonly styled the New Testament (Printed and published by ...
James MacKnight (agrarian reformer) - Wikipedia › wiki › James_MacKnight_(agraria...
James MacKnight (McKnight, MacNeight) (1801–1876) was an Irish journalist and agrarian reformer whose call for Fair Rent, Fixity of Tenure and Free Sale