... Durham , with an account of Dublin . 1900 Traveller , by the author of Redwood , 1587 Traits of nature , an ... in author land , 5593 Trapper's Bride , 3401 Treasures of the earth [ Metallic , ] 2105 Turkey , a residence at ...
... in " " author would calculate the losses to be on a certain ... James Pepworth , tenable at the College of Technology , Manchester ; William ... Durham University . The following scholarships have been renewed : - John ...
... Durham . for North Durham since 1832 . Member of Parliament ESSAYS . The present State of France . Interest . The Corn Trade . 606. JAMES ... in Author of a Comparative View of the Constitution of Great Britain , and other useful ...
... James Mc Ardell , an engraver in mezzotinto ; John Harrison , who obtained a premium from parliament for his improvements on the chronometer ; Archdeacon Travis ; James Pettit Andrews , In author of a history of Great Britain ; and John ...
... I N .; author of the " Ship of Fooles , " ib . -Bishops , list of , r . - Brithnoth , the first abbot , h ; high ... James , memorable for his inconti nency , m ; his character described by bishop Godwin , ib . Sculpture , eight ...
is the way in which the author ... James Mills . ( Dublin : Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland . ) Notice sur un recueil d'Exempla renfermé dans le MS . B. IV . 19 de la bibliothèque capitu- laire de Durham ... in author of this book .
... James II as a supporter of William of Orange ; king's ser- jeant , 1691 ... Durham , 1316 . [ vi . 392 ] BROME , ALEXANDER ( 1620-1666 ) , poet ... in author- ship of Late Lancashire Witches , ' printed 1634 . works ( twenty ...
... in author . Oxon . Vol . I. col . 519 . ( d ) Nicholfon's ( e ) Selden's Titles of Honcur . ( 52 ) Malmfb . of no weight . Simeon of Durham tells us , that he died on the twenty - feventh of October , anua940 , in the fixteenth year of ...
... in Author's M8S . ( specimens sent on application ) . Translations ... JAMES'S - SQUARE , 8.W. President - LORD TENNYSON . Vice - Presidents - Rt ... Durham . MESSRS , DAVISON & SON will SELL by AUCTION , in their Rooms ...
... Durham . Pub- lished for the benefit and purposes of the above society . 8vo . 3s . 6d . A Sermon on the Lord's ... James Morier , Esq . late of his Majesty's Secretary of Embassy , and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary to the Court of ...