Emanuel Swedenborg (født 29. januar 1688, død 29. marts 1772) var en svensk videnskabsmand, forfatter, mystiker, filosof og kristen reformator.
Emanuel Swedenborg (/ˈswiːdənbɔːrɡ/, Swedish: [ˈsvêːdɛnˌbɔrj]; born Emanuel Swedberg; (29 January 1688 – 29 March 1772) was a Swedish polymath; scientist, ...
Emanuel Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg

Svensk videnskabsmand og forfatter
Emanuel Swedenborg var en svensk videnskabsmand, forfatter, mystiker, filosof og kristen reformator. Han skrev mange bøger om sine tanker. Da han var ca. 50 år, gennemgik han en åndelig krise, der gjorde ham optaget af religiøse spørgsmål. Wikipedia
Født: 29. januar 1688, Stockholm, Sverige
Død: 29. marts 1772, London, Storbritannien
Inspireret af: Isaac Newton, Platon, Aristoteles og mere
Emanuel Swedenborg, born in 1688 in Stockholm, underwent a profound spiritual transformation in the mid-1740s that reshaped his life's work.
The life of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was steeped simultaneously in the rational world of the physical sciences and in a deep Christian faith.
12. dec. 2024 · Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, Christian mystic, philosopher, and theologian who wrote voluminously in interpreting the ...
Bedømmelse (182)
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish scientist, inventor, and theologian who made significant discoveries in many of the natural sciences, including ...
12. dec. 2024 · Swedenborg devoted his enormous energy to interpreting the Bible and to relating what he had seen and heard in the world of spirits and angels.
Bedømmelse (4)
The Essential Swedenborg summarizes in modern terms the basic features of the theology propounded by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772).
6. jun. 2023 · Emanuel Swedenborg was born in 1688 in Stockholm, Sweden, and died in 1772. He lived at the dawn of the “Age of Enlightenment” when Europeans were stressing ...
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) son of theology professor and later bishop of Skara, Jesper Swedberg. With Swedenborg we encounter a mystic of international ...