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inauthor: Class-book fra
... book. By the time you're halfway through you know what things like cringles, travelers, fiddle blocks, fairleads ... in author's sailing school classes. Marine EIectr0nic's Handbook by Leo G. Sands (Tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... In author Richard Florida's groundbreaking book, The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life, he rates Albuquerque and Santa Fe as two of the most creative cities in the country ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... BOOK LOVER: The prolific Dickens. work was essential to keep him from the pit. Onward and upward Dickens went, becoming a law clerk, then a parliamentary reporter — finishing a three-year course of shorthand in three months to do so ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... Book by Sam Perrln and George Balzer from the novel, "Slightly Perfect," by George Malcolm- Smith. Music by Harry ... class vignette of a small town American family. It Is not a play for laughter, but she has spiced it with ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... class postage paid at New York, New York, and at additional mailing offices. Editorial and business offices: 212 986 ... in. Author and director Kennedy checks out the aging process in several midtown theaters. 42. The Milliner's ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... in author's Paris flat. EBONY sponsored the remainder of his trip. He has now been enrolled under a student visa at ... books and clothes, and paid for a year of school. Charles (everyone was calling him that by now) won highest ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... BOOK LOVER: The prolific Dickens. work was essential to keep him from the pit. Onward and upward Dickens went, becoming a law clerk, then a parliamentary reporter — finishing a three-year course of shorthand in three months to do so ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... year-old business manager This view was perhaps best articulated in author Studs Terkel's landmark book, Working, which documented the misery of workers across the land. But sociologist Tygart says Terkel's findings were misinterpreted ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... in author Duke's two other programs in the PC-SIG Library. STAR FINDER ON DISPLAY (display the Milky Way or a ... Class postage paid 1 New York. NY Itllllnnd at additional mailing oflices. POSTMASTER: AddresseI'iangestoPC Magazine ...
inauthor: Class-book fra
... in author 33 WEEKLY WORLD NEWS January 21, 1992 Michael Moore's helpful book: • Stick Shift: Use signals indicating the pattern of a car's gear-shift to indicate multiple-choice answers. • Splitting: Two students divvy up studying the ...