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Henry Home, Lord Kames (author); Mary Catherine Moran (editor). The Essays is commonly considered Kames's most important philosophical work.
The Essays is commonly considered Kames's most important philosophical work. In the first part, he sets forth the principles and foundations of morality and ...
29. okt. 2021 · Published in 1751, Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion is considered as one of his most widely-regarded works.
15,00 US$
The Essays is commonly considered Kames's most important philosophical work. In the first part, he sets forth the principles and foundations of morality and ...
The Essays is commonly considered Kames1782), one of the leaders of the Scottish Enlightenment, was a judge in the supreme courts of Scotland and wrote ...
Title: Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion: In two parts. · Author: Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782. · Publication: Edinburgh :: printed ...
The Essays is commonly considered Kames's most important philosophical work. In the first part, he sets forth the principles and foundations of morality and ...
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The Essays is commonly considered Kames's most important philosophical work. In the first part, he sets forth the principles and foundations of morality and ...
475,00 £
Third edition, corrected and expanded by the author, the final and definitive text, of Kames's most important philosophical work, his Essays on the Principles ...
Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion: In two parts. Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782. [6],394p. ; 8⁰. Edinburgh : printed by R. Fleming, ...