Last week, a Danish policeman played a game with a young refugee girl on the German-Danish border. The moment was captured on camera, and the photos were shared widely on social media. The pictures were taken on the E45 freeway, north of Padborg, by photographer Claus Fisker, who works for ScanPix.
Sep 15, 2015
Sep 16, 2015 · The photograph, taken last week near the German-Danish border by photographer Claus Fisker, shows a Danish police officer playing a game with a young Syrian ...
Sep 15, 2015 · The photographer who captured the viral photo of a Danish police officer playing with a refugee girl has described it as a “touching moment to witness”.
Danish police officer plays with Syrian refugee girl ... In the middle of the road. Good way to show kids how to properly play. ... IN THE STREET. That's a sinister ...
Missing: policeman | Show results with:policeman
Sep 13, 2015 · One photograph of a police officer playing with a young girl has shown joy and hope. The image, which has gone viral since it was published on Thursday, was ...
Missing: policeman | Show results with:policeman
Sep 13, 2015 · There have been many horrifying images of the Syrian refugee crisis but this one of a Danish police officer playing with a young girl has shown ...
Missing: policeman | Show results with:policeman
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A Danish police officer playing with a Syrian refugee girl. We need more of this. Much more of this. It's so beautiful.
Missing: policeman | Show results with:policeman
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