bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
Less important are non-official poems such as the three books of a mythological epic on the Rape of Proserpina, unfinished as was also a Battle of Giants (in Greek).
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
Less important are non-official poems such as the three books of a mythological epic on the Rape of Proserpina, unfinished as was also a Battle of Giants (in Greek).
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
Chariton narrates the adventures of a strikingly beautiful young bride named Callirhoe, beginning with her abduction by pirates - adventures that take her as far as the court of the Persian king Artaxerxes and involve shipwrecks, several ...
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
Powerful description complements careful narration. Procopius is just to the empire's enemies and boldly criticises emperor Justinian. Procopius, born at Caesarea in Palestine late in the 5th century, became a lawyer.
bibliogroup:"Loeb classical library" fra
Powerful description complements careful narration. Procopius is just to the empire's enemies and boldly criticises emperor Justinian. Procopius, born at Caesarea in Palestine late in the 5th century, became a lawyer.