The coincidental onset of yeast infection of the vagina and intestine was associated in this young woman with allergic asthma and hives, and with the mental confusion and suicidal depression of abnormal brain function.
The Vitamin D Cure, Revised Edition offers a simple and practical five???-step program that can prevent or alleviate many health troubles in just a few weeks.
In this book, Dr. James Dowd explains everything you need to know about vitamin D and how it can improve your health." —Jack Challem, author of Stop Prediabetes Now, The Inflammation Syndrome, and The Food-Mood Solution "It is rare these ...
The series volumes are not the outcome of a symposium. Rather, each editor has the potential to examine a chosen area with a broad perspective, both in subject matter as well as in the choice of chapter authors.
Are you one of them?What if you knew how to uncover the exact dose your body needs and how to supplement this dose safely?Imagine how things could be different for you.In this book we explore in detail the protocols of Dr. Cícero Coimbra ...
Chapters in this book cover such issues as the earliest clinical and preclinical investigations of the consequences of Vitamin D deficiency for cognitive, cardiovascular, metabolic, immune, and renal disorders.
By reading this book you are stepping onto a path that will ultimately protect you and your loved ones from the natural consequences of vitamin D deficiency.