inauthor:"David Russell" fra
The memoirs of an English painter, from his early geometrical work to later erotic subjects, including the world's first truly erotic pop-up book.
inauthor:"David Russell" fra
Reprint of the original, first published in 1857.
inauthor:"David Russell" fra
poems by David Russell found again after fifty years!
inauthor:"David Russell" fra
In this book, Mosley seeks to respond to Dante’s great poem with poetry of his own. For each of the one hundred cantos, Mosley has provided a ten-line poem written in terza rima, the rhyme scheme of Dante’s epic.
inauthor:"David Russell" fra
"Pop Pop's Magic Chair" is the true story of writer David Russell's relationship with his grandson Aaron from birth to about age six.
inauthor:"David Russell" fra
The Green Man is a collection of poetry that looks to the world around us and asks what lies behind the things we can see, smell, taste, touch, and hear.
inauthor:"David Russell" fra
Starting with Advent, the sonnets in this collection look to both the human and the divine, everyday occurrences, and the spiritual realities that uphold all of reality.