You may be curvier than some of the women you see on TV and in the movies, but this shouldn't prevent you from embracing your curves and your body type. Boost your body confidence by engaging in body positive self-talk and by surrounding yourself with body positive friends. Wear clothes confidently by dressing for your body type, accentuating the body parts you love and by accessorizing. Remember that being healthy and having curves are not mutually exclusive. Find an exercise routine you love and you will instantly feel better about your body.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Boosting Your Body Confidence

  1. Instead of focusing on what you don’t like about your body, focus on what you do like and what your body enables you to do. Focus on the idea that your body has enabled you to accomplish your goals, or even perform mundane activities like walking and singing.[1]
    • When you find yourself criticizing your body, stop yourself and reverse the dialogue, for example, “I am proud of my body. Because of my legs and hips I am able to dance and I love dancing!” Or, “I love my arms and hands because they are strong and enable me to hug and comfort my friends when they are feeling down.”
  2. Limit your use of magazines, TV, and social media that glamorize the thin body ideal. Also, try to cut out media that constantly criticizes women and their appearance. Surrounding yourself with this kind of negativity can result in negative thoughts about your own body, as well as the bodies of others.[2]
  3. Surround yourself with people who love their bodies no matter what shape or size it is. Find friends who support you and encourage you to find beauty in your own body. Eventually, their confidence and good habits will pass on to you the more you hang out with them, and vice versa.[3]
    • If you have a good friend who constantly criticizes and compares their body type to others, try to flip the conversation. Let them know that you think their body is beautiful. Also, try to steer the conversation toward things you both love about your bodies, instead of what you hate about them.
  4. Do this instead of avoiding the mirror because you do not like your curves, especially when you are naked. Do your makeup or hair in front of the mirror while you are nude at least once a week. By doing other activities while you are naked in front of the mirror, you may be able to become more comfortable with your curves and appreciate your body for what it is, not what it is not.[4]
    • This may be uncomfortable in the beginning, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you will become with your naked body and curves.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Dressing for Your Body Type

  1. Determine your body type. Examine your body in the mirror. Look at your proportions and the way your hips connect to your waist and bust. To be sure, measure the size of your bust, waist, and hips. Knowing your body type will enable you to choose clothing that fits properly and complements your body type.[5]
    • Some common body types are the pear, rectangle, diamond, hourglass, and the inverted triangle shape.
  2. Having bras and underwear that fit properly is as important as having clothes that complement your body type. Good-fitting bras and underwear will provide you with support in the places you need. Therefore, your clothes will hang on your body properly and your posture may improve, boosting your self-confidence further.[6]
    • Visit a lingerie store to get fitted. Invite your friends to come with you and make a day out of it.
  3. Determine which parts of your body you love and want to flaunt. Then choose clothes that accentuate these body parts.[7] You can also do this by using color. Use bright colors to draw attention to your favorite body parts.
    • For example, if you love your hips and thighs, then stock up on pants that accentuate these features.
  4. Accessories are a fun way to add some excitement to your outfit. Choose from belts, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. You can also use accessories to accentuate the body parts you love.
    • For example, if you want to accentuate your collar bone, then wear a bold collar necklace or a bib necklace.
    • Draw attention to your eyes by wearing earrings that bring out the color in your eyes; for example, if you have green eyes, try red hoop earrings.
    • Accessories are also a great way to stay up-to-date with fashion trends, if that is your style.
  5. Belts are also a great way to create a waistline when you are wearing oversized dresses and tops. You can also create a waistline by wearing tops and dresses that ruche at the waist, or that have details, like beading, that draw attention to the waist.[8]
    • Wearing a top and bottom that are two different, but complementary colors can also create a waistline.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Caring for Your Body

  1. Studies reveal that women who exercise feel better about their bodies no matter what kind of body type they have. If you haven’t already, find an exercise you like and stick with it. It could be biking, dancing, walking, roller-skating, or running. Choosing something you enjoy will help you stick with the exercise longer.[9]
    • Ask your friends to join you if you do not want to go at it alone.
    • Try not to exercise with a weight goal in mind. Instead, set different goals for yourself each week like, “I will bike two to three times this week.”
  2. Supplying your body with the nutrients it needs to function can also boost your confidence both mentally and physically. Make sure you are getting the recommended amount of protein, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, and dairy each day. Try to limit your intake of sugar as well.[10]
    • It is recommended that you eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables, three portions of protein and three portions of carbohydrates daily.
  3. Treat yourself to a massage or a manicure. Take a long bath and slather yourself with a moisturizing lotion afterwards. Rewarding your body will help you reconnect with it and appreciate it.[11]

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About this article

Kathi Burns, CPO®
Co-authored by:
Image Consultant
This article was co-authored by Kathi Burns, CPO®. Kathi Burns is a board certified Professional Organizer (CPO) and Founder of Organized and Energized!, her consulting business with a mission to empower people to master their environment and personal image by assisting them in taking control, making change and organizing their lives. Kathi has over 17 years of organizing experience and her work has been featured on Better Homes and Gardens, NBC News, Good Morning America, and Entrepreneur. She has a BS in Communication from Ohio University. This article has been viewed 38,261 times.
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Updated: January 29, 2023
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