Facts about the

The Grand Canyon may be the most recognizable landmark on the planet. And it's large enough to hold countless facts, figures and historical details you probably never knew.

The Grand Canyon is not the largest national park in the U.S. It is actually the 11th largest at 1.2 million acres, larger than Rhode Island.

The Grand Canyon's North Rim sees just 500,000 visitors a year.

The canyon boasts about 91 species of mammals, 447 species of birds, 58 species of reptiles and 18 species of fish (five of them native).

Botanists have counted 1,750 plant species growing in the park.

On average, 250 people must be rescued inside the Grand Canyon each year.

The Grand Canyon's South Rim is a small city complete with school, library and community center for year-round employees and their families.

The Grand Canyon's South Rim is a small city complete with school, library and community center for year-round employees and their families.

Tap the link below for 100 facts, including travel and camping tips.

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100 Grand Canyon facts
100 Grand Canyon facts