'It's impossible to have 10-pack abs like Shah Rukh Khan's' - Kris Gethin

'It's impossible to have 10-pack abs like Shah Rukh Khan's' - Kris Gethin

Written by Kriti Saraswat |Published : September 18, 2014 2:41 PM IST

srk-absThe recent buzz SRK created with his 10-pack abs sent his fans into a tizzy. People lauded King Khan for being able to build such a fantastic body even at 49 and taking the challenge a notch higher -- from 6-pack abs to 10-pack abs. But celebrity fitness expert Kris Gethin who is responsible for Hrithik Roshan's hot physique thinks otherwise. His reasoning being it is impossible to have 10-pack abs! We spoke to him on why he thinks Shah Rukh Khan's abs are not really a 10-pack.

Are SRK's abs not real?

They are real but they aren't 10-packs abs, they are still 6-pack abs. It is impossible for anyone to have those many abs. Our bodies aren't genetically designed that way and we cannot breed or create extra abs. Even if you count them as 10, they still remain six as the last ones are the abdominal muscles and not really abs. It is only being marketed as 10 but in reality it is just 6-pack abs.

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All of us have 6-packs abs in our bodies but they are usually hidden under a layer of fat. When we work out, they become prominent as the fat decreases from that area and the muscles become visible.

Are abs really made in the kitchen?

Yes, they are largely a result of what you eat and not just what you do in the gym. In order to eat right, one should:

  • Eat frequent, small meals.
  • Have protein in every meal
  • Avoid foods with trans-fats, too much sugar, fattening junk food, add more fibre, good carbs in the form of whole wheat pasta, soy, greens, white meat, etc.

What about exercise?

One needs to do cardio exercises for 30 minutes and divide their workout plan in a way so that they focus on their upper abs in the first half of the week and on their lower abs in the second half. Include exercises such as leg raises, crunches, and do 3-4 sets of each.

How easy or difficult is it to maintain abs?

Once the muscles are made, it is easier to maintain them. One does not have that many dietary restrictions as they do when they are making those abs. They can eat out once in a while as their ab muscles will burn excess fat. The exercise regimen is also not very strenuous as before. They should then focus on other muscles such as back, biceps to look proportionate. Cardio and strength training will help keep the abs intact.

Image source: T-Series/YouTube

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