Anal Fistula – Causes, Symptoms, and Surgery

Anal Fistula - Causes, Symptoms, and Surgery

An anal fistula is a passage that begins from inside the anus and the skin close to the anus (a place where stools leave the body). They usually develop infections such as the collection of pus in the tissues that didn’t recuperate without surgery. Your doctor can fix this problem through anorectal surgery.

What are the causes of fistula?

There are many glands that make fluid inside the anus. At times, these glands get blocked or clogged. This condition leads to the development of bacteria that can create swollen pockets of infected tissues or pus. In medical terms, it is known as an abscess.

If an abscess is not treated it will grow with time and develop a hole in the skin someplace close to the rear-end to drain the pus out. The tunnel in the anus that connects the glands to that opening is called the fistula.

Many times, an abscess development causes a fistula. It’s uncommon, however, it can also develop through other conditions such as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), tuberculosis, or an ongoing medical condition that influences your bowels like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Symptoms of Fistula

An individual may experience the following symptoms:

  • Redness
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Fever

You may also encounter:

  • Bleeding during stools
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • A bad odor fluid leaking from the opening close to the anus

If you experience any of these symptoms of fistula, consult with your doctor or you can book an appointment at Southlake General Surgery, Texas.

How to diagnose fistula?

Your doctor will conduct a physical examination to check for anal fistula and also ask for medical history.

A few of the fistulas are easy to identify during the examination and some of the fistulas close on all alone and open back up. Your doctor will check for bleeding and leaking fluid.

Your doctor will presumably refer you to a specialist in anorectal problems such as colon and rectal problems for detailed examination along with X-rays or a CT scan. Your doctor may suggest for colonoscopy. In this test, the doctor inserts a tube with a camera on the end into the anus to view inside the bowels.

Treatment of Anal Fistula

For the treatment of anal fistula, there is no medicine to treat the condition. Anorectal surgery or Anal fistula surgery is the option to treat the condition. The surgical procedure can be carried out at the doctor’s clinic.

  • Your doctor may use a plug to treat the fistula.
  • For a complicated fistula surgery, the surgeon may insert a tube into the opening to help drain the infected fluid out before surgery.
  • Fistula’s that are not complicated and are not close to the anus can be cut open from the skin and muscle encompassing the tunnel by the surgeon. This makes the incision heal from the back to the front.

The fistula surgery procedure is based on the location of the fistula. The surgeon might need to cut into the sphincter muscles that open and close the anus. This procedure required an experienced general surgeon to avoid any damage to muscles. However, after surgery, it will be difficult for you to control the bowels until you completely recover.

For more information on anorectal surgery or anal fistula surgery at Southlake General Surgery, Texas, and to know more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and consultation. Please contact our healthcare expert today at +1 (817) 748-0200. To make an online appointment. Click here.

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