How the Cast of Friends Aged from the First to Last Season

Jessica Lawshe
Updated September 24, 2021 247.8K views 7 items
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Vote up the cast members whose looks changed the most between the first and last season of Friends.

We watched the cast of Friends cry, laugh, drink a ton of coffee, and go through a lot (both on and off screen) over their 10 seasons on air. The show started in 1994 and spanned the rest of the decade all the way into the early 2000s. Just as fashion and culture and society as a whole changed over the course of that time, so did the cast of Friends

Do you remember what they all looked like during season one? From terrible hair (sorry Joey) to awesome hair (Rachel, every single season), and sort of nerdy (Ross) to slightly less nerdy (Ross, again), we watched the characters on Friends grow from young to old to, well, "older."

In real life, the cast members grew and changed too. Some got married and Botox'd (Courteney Cox), took up yoga (Jennifer Aniston), had babies (Lisa Kudrow), and worked through addiction issues (Matthew Perry). Since so many of us grew up with Friends and progressed in our own lives as the series was on air, we thought it'd be fun to look at how the Friends actors aged from the first to the last season. Check out this list and tell us who you think changed the most.