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Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters are the must-have gifts of this holiday season - and now they may not be safe for your health.
Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters are the must-have gifts of this holiday season – and now they may not be safe for your health.
Associated Press

ST. LOUIS – A consumer group contends one of the holiday season’s must-have toys is unsafe.

San Francisco-based GoodGuide named the furry robotic Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters Saturday as one of the top-selling toys with low ratings.

It says it found a higher-than-allowed level of a chemical called antimony, which can cause health problems.

The group assigned the toy a rating of 5.2 on a 10-point scale.

The toy’s maker, St. Louis-based Cepia LLC, insists in a statement that its product is safe and has passed rigorous testing.