Easy-to-Make Mug Rugs from Charm Squares

Kelly Hanson
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Duration:   7  mins

If you are looking for a nice gift idea, this is the project for you. Kelly Hanson shows us how to make a mug rug that is perfect for holding coffee or tea without making a mess. This gift is easy to make and is perfect for friends or family. Choose some fun fabric and get started with this quilting tutorial!

Related Article: Oh So Charming Quilted Mug Rugs

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8 Responses to “Easy-to-Make Mug Rugs from Charm Squares”

  1. Minnie Arnold

    This demonstration was so helpful for Xmas gifts with fall colors on the opposite side.

  2. Geri

    Thanks so much for this really cute and fun idea!

  3. Katie Jarrett

    Love the video and the project. I was looking for something easy and quick to do for our church shut-ins as a thinking of you gift. Someone had donated some Christmas themed material so I think I will get some fall material and do the two sided seasonal theme mud rugs. Great idea and I think these elderly folks will enjoy them. Thanks for sharing. <3

  4. Linda

    Closed captions would be WONDERFUL. This is the reason I cancelled my other subscription, several years ago. You, obviously STILL haven't done anything about it.

  5. Terri

    The original flowered placemat/mug rug - what are the dimensions for it, please? I would like to know the dimensions of the entire piece, and the dimensions of each piece within it. Thank you very much!

  6. cynthia.parent

    So cute! Thank you for the tutorial. :-)

  7. diannekelly765

    For the mug rug how big are your squares

  8. Moira

    I loved your video! I made one today, but I used wool felt for my backing. It came out pretty cool!

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