Kapotasana: How To and It’s Benefits!

Miami Kapotasana (also known as king pigeon in the English translation), is a very deep backbend found in the ashtanga yoga intermediate series. It requires patience, trust, focus, flexibility & a very calm mind. Some poses I’d recommend to work up to this deep back bend are upward facing dog, bow pose & camel pose. Make sure you are very warm in your shoulders & back before attempting this posture.

Step 1. Come to stand on your shins, knees hip width apart. Bring hands to your heart center. Start to press hips forward and heart open. Drop your head back. You might hold here for a few breaths before continuing the drop back.

Benefit 1. Kapotasana lengthens the entire front side of the your body! From the quads all the way to the throat.

Step 2. Continue pressing your hips forward as well as pressing your heart up and back. Reach your hands back and down towards the ground.

Benefit 2. One of the most powerful and deep heart openers! Feel the benefits of moving into a space of love rather than fear.

Step 3. Let your hands touch down to the ground behind you or your feet. From there, let your elbows gently lower down and keep squeezing them in towards each other so they do not flare out to the sides. Hold for 5 deep breaths.

Benefit 3. Kapotasana also strengthens the muscles of the back body especially the back and shoulders. It truly benefits the entire body! But make sure to warm up thoroughly before entering this pose.

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