Felix, by Jan Lööf

Jan Lööf is a Swedish comic artist, illustrator, author and jazz musician. He studied at the Stockholm Art Academy and started his 'Felix' comic in 1967. It soon gained worldwide popularity. Jan has also written several books for children. In the early 1970s, Lööf sold the rights to 'Felix', because he was more interested in television work.

Felix, by Jan Lööf
Felix, by Jan Lööf

He acted in the 1970s television series 'Tårtan' and produced his own animated series 'Skrot-Nisse och Hans Vänner' for Swedish National Television. In 1976, he drew a satire about the Swedish people for the weekly Swedish magazine Vi. Other comics by Lööf are 'Bellman' and 'Ville'.

Bellman, by Jan Loof (1972)
Bellman, by Jan Lööf (1972)

self-portrait by Jan Lööf


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