Here's what you need to know about Build-a-Bear's 'Pay Your Age Day'

Amy Schwabe
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
On July 12 only, guests who visit a Build-a-Bear Workshop store in person can pay their current age in dollars, for any make-your-own furry friend available in the store for the company’s first-ever “Pay Your Age Day” event.

OK, Build-a-Bear fans. Thursday is your day.

That's because July 12 is the first ever "Pay Your Age Day." What does that mean? According to Build-a-Bear, "How old you are is how much your furry friend costs."

Yes, you get to choose from whatever make-your-own furry friends are in the store, and you pay your age.

Here's what you need to know.

You have to go to the store.

This isn't an online thing. You have to go to a physical Build-a-Bear store to take advantage of the deal. For Milwaukee families, the closest location is at Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa. There's a Build-a-Bear store in Green Bay at Bay Park Square, in Appleton at the Fox River Mall, at the West Towne Mall outside Madison, at Valley View in Lacrosse, and (of course) there's a store at the Outlets at the Dells in Baraboo.

You have to be a Bonus Club member.

In order to take advantage of this awesome deal, you have to be part of the store's bonus club. Well, at least the adult in your party does. Since you have to be at least 18 years old to join the club, whatever kids are in your party are able to take part, just as long as they're accompanied by a Bonus Club member.

If you're not a member, you can sign up on Thursday, but bear in mind that there could be crowds, so it might be a better idea to sign up beforehand.

There are a few age limits.

Sorry, moms of tiny babies. Your little one doesn't get a free bear if she's younger than 1 years old. Nope, it's $1 — still a pretty amazing deal.

On the other hand, you know those people who claim to be 29 even when they're 30, or 35 or 40? Well, Build-a-Bear sympathizes. No matter how old you are, you won't pay more than $29 for your furry friend. Oh, and one more non-age-related limit — only one stuffed animal per person.

You can come back later to stuff your bear.

The deal only runs for one day, so you can't try to come back on July 13 to take advantage of it. But, since the stores will likely be packed on Thursday, you will be allowed to buy your friend on Thursday and come back at a different time to build it.

For more information, check out the Build-a-Bear website.