10 Minimalist And Small Tattoo Designs With Meanings

17 Jul, 2023

Kritika Vaid

Heart Tattoo: heart represents love, romance, memory, trust, hope, and stability.

Rose Tattoo: Rose means purity. Small rose tattoo sounds like something close to your life.

Crown Tattoo: A crown symbolizes monarchy, glory. It has the qualities like leadership.

Sun Tattoo: It helps in gliding through dark times and rise above all problems.

Musical Tattoo: Opt for a line drawing of an instrument or a musical note that will stay with you forever.

The Book Lover Tattoo: Do you believe that whenever you read a book, something magical happens? Then this is for you.

Lotus Tattoo: It represents tranquility, enlightenment, spirituality, purity, perfection, and beauty.

Om Tattoo: It is known to be the first sound of the universe.

Feather Tattoo: Feather as a symbol of courage, truth, bravery, and freedom.

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