Plant primer: Variegated Virginia creeper

Staff Writer
The Columbus Dispatch

Variegated Virginia creeper

Height: 30 inches

Spread: 4 to

6 inches

Hardiness: Zones 3 to 9

Origin: North America

A difficult spot for plants is that narrow space between the house or garage and the sidewalk. An enjoyable yet tough native vine that might work is the variegated Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia ‘Star Showers’).

This showy plant has five-lobed palmate leaves, which are compound leaves with smaller leaflets that connect to a central stem.

Beautiful white, irregular variegations run through the medium-green leaves. This vine will climb with aerial rootlets that attach themselves to a structure. Variegated Virginia creeper is a fast grower, but it can be pruned any time of year.

The leaf variegation can be seen on a specimen of the plant climbing the north side of the Education Pavilion at the Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.

— Barbara Arnold,

Franklin Park Conservatory