
‘Engrish’ is the so-called Japanese-English. Because Japanese consonants (execpt the ‘n’ ん) always have to be in combination with a vowel and can never stand alone, it is sometimes hard for Japanese native speakers to speak another language, that allows consonants to stand alone. Furthermore, the Japanese language does not carry the letter ‘L’. Therefore, when trying to speak a language which uses the letter ‘L’, Japanese people tend to pronounce it just like ‘R’, because this sound is closest to an ‘L’.

Therefore, when some English words/sentences are written in Japan, they sometimes have a very funny spelling, which can be explained through the before mentioned language differences. 

The only intention of these posts is to entertain, and not by any means am I trying to make fun of Japan/Japanese people or look down on them. Because you just need to take a look at all the ‘Japanese’ and ‘Chinese’ characters that are printed/tattooed on our shirts/arms/shoulders in Europe! 🙂

       Taku-out 😀

 — abocado

— vanira

  — fruit sand



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