viking treasures found between hobro and fyrkat

Viking Treasures Found Between Hobro and Fyrkat

In News by Skjalden

Viking treasures have been discovered in a field between Hobro and Fyrkat, dating back to the late 900s when Harald Bluetooth built the Viking fortress Fyrkat. Torben Trier Christiansen, the museum inspector at the North Jutland Museums, was amazed by the findings, which included items never seen before in Denmark.

The discovery of two large Viking treasures, consisting of about 300 pieces of broken silver and jewelry, was made during a large excavation in Hobro. The treasures, which date back to the end of the 900s and Harald Bluetooth’s era, are considered an extraordinary find.

Many coins were found among the treasures, including some from Harald Bluetooth’s time. According to Christiansen, it is unique to find them in such good condition since they are very thin and vulnerable in the plow layer.

The discovery was initially made by local metal detectorists, who then alerted the North Jutland Museums.

Jane Foged-Mønster, one of the local detectorists, found a silver piece, a half dirham clip, and a very special and well-preserved silver ball from a ring clasp.

When three finds from around the same period were discovered in the same area, it was clear that they had found a treasure. (Photo: Nordjyske Museer)

The North Jutland Museums spent a week searching for and excavating the treasure. Initially, Christiansen expected to find around 100 silver pieces, but the number turned out to be much larger, totaling 300 finds ranging from small silver pieces to clipped jewelry. There were also 50 coins found from the period, including Danish, German, and Arabic coins. Vikings used silver as a means of payment, so many small pieces were found because the Vikings cut the silver into pieces.

The treasure was found about eight kilometers from Fyrkat, and Christiansen believes there is a connection between the treasure and the fortress, which was built by Harald Bluetooth in the late 900s. It is certain that those who buried the treasure were under the control of the fortress and Harald Bluetooth.

The full story of the treasure is yet to be uncovered, as signs of habitation were found beneath the plow layer. The North Jutland Museums have received additional funding to investigate this further in the fall.

The treasure will be exhibited in North Jutland in the summer before being sent to the National Museum in Copenhagen. This will be the first time such a treasure has been displayed in North Jutland, as nothing like the Hobro treasure has been found in the area before.