Central Park Hoodie!

Sure has been quiet around here. I’ll bet you thought I fell off the earth.


Nah, I’ve just been busy. Excuse the wrinkly sleeves. I’ve been wearing this all day, because it feels good and I love it.

Central Park Hoodie, pattern by Heather Lodinsky, knit in Louet Riverstone worsted, six skeins on US size 6 and 8 needles. Started September 16, finished October 28. A fun knit!

Here’s the back. I made it a couple inches taller than the pattern specified, because I didn’t want it to flatten my hair. I continued the cable up the hood, because I liked it.


Somewhere along the way, I became a hooker. The Yarn Harlot wrote a post about stretchy necklines that aren’t bound off, just like this one. Of course I read the post after knitting the hood. She recommends crocheting a slip stitch crochet line across where the bind off should be, to stabilize the stretchiness of the fabric. As you can see, it left a little line on the outside, but no more than a bind off and pick up would have left.

hook hood

Here’s what it looks like on the inside.


It took two trips to the Button Emporium to get this finished. Here are the buttons I chose first, but was swayed away by the beauty of another. When I started to sew the others on, I could see that they were too heavy, weight-wise, and would make the button band too droopy. So it was back to the Button Emporium to get the original pick. They were closed on Sunday and Monday, so it’s been a long wait to finish.


It’s hard to see the detail on the buttons; I had to underexpose the pictures because they’re so shiny!


Here’s the other button, actually a smaller version of it. I really love the way they look with this yarn, and I have a leftover skein that’s going to be something that needs them!

button flower

All in all, I love this sweater. I think I’m going to be wearing it a lot. The sleeves are a little long, so I’m wearing them turned them up at the cuff. In my chilly office I can uncuff them and they’re kind of like fingerless gloves, so they may get to stay that long. Or I may decide to cut them off and refinish them, and you know I can!

23 responses to “Central Park Hoodie!

  1. Congrats. It looks lovely.

  2. It’s beautiful! I absolutely love the colour. And I love the cable continuing up the hood.

    If I hadn’t tried so hard to learn to knit (under an expert knitter, no less) you’d have inspired me to try again!

  3. Great job Michelle. Gorgeous colour, especially on you 🙂

  4. That is a wonderful job – what details! The color looks fab on you. Congratulations!

  5. It looks amazing! I really want to knit this now!

  6. Looks great on you! Nice fit, great color, I wouldn’t want to take it off either.

  7. It looks great! I love the color too.

  8. I look at your site often because I love your pictures. As I clicked the link my thought was, ‘stop knitting and take some pictures!’. I’m glad you kept knitting and finished this gorgeous sweater. I’m off to order the pattern!

  9. GORGEOUS! Can’t wait to see it in person!

  10. It looks great – ok, I’ll make one. You Twisted my arm. ha ha

  11. That fits you well! I like the other buttons too, too bad they didn’t work out.

  12. Beautiful! You’ve inspired me to go & work on my CPH some more. Well done! It looks fantastic on you.

  13. It looks lovely, cosy and comfortable. I love the color you chose.

  14. Gorgeous! It is beautiful and looks so nice on you! Great job!

  15. It’s beautiful! I love the color! I actually like the turned up cuffs. They look nice that way. Enjoy wearing it!

  16. AWESOME! It looks fabulous on you! I love both buttons. For the leftover hank, how about a Calorimetry? You can use that cute button on it!

  17. Great CPH! And I LURVE that color on you; it’s perfect!

    Saw you comment on Knit for Joy about the spare room. Our guest room closet is wide, so it holds my sewing machine cabinet, fabric stash, ironing board, and steamer. I open the folding doors, sew whatever I need, and close the door on the whole mess when I’m done.

  18. Gorgeous hoodie! And your garden is lovely as well. Love that shade of orange.

    If one wanted a really basic book on knitting and what needles to get, what would you recommend? cookingwithdee.net, Dee

  19. Love it! The color is perfect on you. I always have trouble picking out buttons, too. Sometimes I have to ask other customers for their input.

  20. You look great and the fotos are great! And I even got a sneak preview, in person, when you so graciously agreed to helping me pick up lost stitches (once again)!! Thanks Michele!

  21. It’s is just gorgeous! And that is a great tip, I might just crochet into mine to keep it stable. Thanks!

  22. Hi! Just bought this pattern and can’t wait to start. Just one question; how much ease did you leave in the bust? I’m torn about what size to make because I’ve read some people say that it knits up a bit small. Yours fits perfectly so I’m curious. Thanks!!!

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