

Paulo was one of the middle section survivors of Flight 815. Before the crash, he worked as a chef. He and Nikki Fernandez conspired and murderedHoward L. Zukerman so they could steal his diamonds. They spent most of their time on the Island searching for these diamonds, to the exclusion of almost everything else. He eventually found the diamonds, but hid them from Nikki, for fear he had outlived his usefulness and she would leave him. Nikki later found out he had the diamonds, and threw a female Medusa spider at him, which bit him and induced a death-like paralysis in him. He subsequently died as a result of being buried alive with Nikki while paralyzed, unable to save himself.

  • Paulo is the only main character who has not appeared in any episodes after his death.
  • Paulo was the twenty-third character to ever have a flashback.
  • Paulo’s episode count is 7. Paulo died on his seventh appearance.
  • He is the only male main characters who appears in only seven episodes.
    • He was the seventh main character to die.
  • Paulo and Nikki are the main characters with the lowest amount of appearances (both appeared in only seven episodes).
  • Paulo is the only main character who appeared in no more than one season.
    • He and Eko are the only main characters not to make an appearance after the season in which they died.
  • Paulo and Nikki are the only main characters to never appear in a season premiere or finale.
  • Paulo is the only main character never to have appeared in an even-numbered season.
  • After the revelation of Libby‘s last name at the 2009 Comic Con, Paulo and Eko remain the only main characters whose last names have not been revealed. (Eko was referred to as „Tunde“, though this has not been proven as his real name.)
    • Paulo was one of three characters whose last names were not revealed on the show.
      • Paulo’s full name is likely Paulo Falcao, as there’s a lot of surnames on the cover of the Complete Collection DVD box, and the surname „Falcao“ was right under Nikki’s surname „Fernandez“. Since Shannon’s surname was right under Boone’s surname, so it can be assumes that some related characters’ surnames are putting together. Furthermore, there’s a former footballer whose name is „Paulo Falcao“, and he is from Brazil too.
  • Paulo has never met Daniel, Charlotte, Richard, Ilana, Lapidus, Penny, Eloise, Pierre and Christian. However, he has met all the other main characters.
    • Paulo saw Ben and Juliet but he never spoke to them.
    • Miles likely saw his dead body after he exhumed the missing diamonds.
  • Miles and Ben are the only characters that know he was buried alive.
  • Paulo along with Ana Lucia, Eko, Nikki, Walt and Michael did not return to Main Characters status in „The End„.
  • Paulo and Nikki were noted by the producers to be the most universally despised characters known to the show, due to their sudden appearance in „Further Instructions„.
  • A deleted scene introduced Nikki and Paulo in alternative way: Claire is taking care of Aaron when she hears some weird noises coming from Jack‘s tent. She starts to call Jack’s name, and when she opens the tent she sees Nikki and Paulo having sex there. This scene was deleted from „Further Instructions„.
  • Paulo is a common name in Portuguese-speaking countries, like Brazil (the actor is Brazilian).
  • Paulo is the Portuguese equivalent of the name Paul. In the New Testament, Paul was not one of the original disciples of Jesus, but was called to become an apostle later. This led to slight contention between himself and the original disciples that was later resolved, but much contention between scholars centuries later – this parallels Paulo’s involvement in the show, as he was not an original cast member but later was fleshed out and it was shown how he connected to the rest of the characters. the word slight is understatement. He held the coats of those who stoned St. Stephen. Stephen’s speech before his executions is summary of the case agaainst the Jews who judged him (Acts 7:1–53). In summary Stephen says you were given the law and have not kept it. Stephen is stoned. Paul approves. In Chapter 8. Paul begins ravaging the houses of suspected Christian, becoming the primary and most educated enemy of Christianity. All of Chapter 9 recounts Paul’s conversion.
  • Paulo is the Portuguese translation of Paolo, which is name of one of the „lustful“ sinners in the classic Inferno by Dante Alighieri. He and his lover, Francesca are condemned to the Second Circle of Hell, where Francesca informs Dante of how she and her husband’s brother (Paolo) committed adultery and died a violent death at the hands of her husband. Many scholars have discussed the fact that in the entire Canto, Francesca is the only person to speak – Paulo does not even speak once. The souls in the Second Circle are those overcome by lust and are blown about to and fro by a violent storm, without hope of rest.
  • Paulo was a very accomplished chef; he was referred to as „Brazil’s Wolfgang Puck“.
    • This was most likely a nod to Rodrigo Santoro, who plays Paulo. In real life, he is referred to as „Brazil’s Tom Cruise.“
  • Nikki and Paulo are buried differently from any other survivor. Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby and Scott were all buried in single graves, while Paulo was put in a double-grave with Nikki.
  • In an Entertainment Weekly article, Nikki and Paulo were originally supposed to be part of a longer story arc, with one episode having its flashbacks devoted to Nikki’s fictional television show, Exposé, to end with a surprise twist (presumably revealing that those „flashbacks“ were merely part of a television show Nikki was acting in). Faced with the negative fan backlash to the two characters’ abrupt introduction, the producers decided in December 2006 to trim down the story arc and kill off the two characters in a single episode.
  • On the April 15, 2010 Official Lost Podcast, producer Damon Lindelof responded to a fan question regarding Nikki and Paulo in the flash-sideways, saying, „Let’s just assume that […] she’s on Season 5 of Exposé, Paulo is still cooking for that guy in Australia, and everything is just progressing lovingly.“ Carlton Cuse added that Nikki is probably „still married to that producer dude“.
  • Paulo is one of 13 main characters to not have their name appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Witnesses of death: Nikki
  • Last words: „I was.. Afraid… Of Losing you… If you found the diamonds… You wouldn’t need me anymore…“



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