Diary Comic XXXV: Kawaii

Another of my diary comics, which I will eventually collect in a book as I make more. A few that I decide to share, I will post online. Others will be book exclusive.

My fiancé calls me, among other things, “daddy” which to some is strange but for us is equal parts affirming and a way for us to connect; also it’s just really dang cute. My life is an anime.

These comics are based on experiences and thoughts I’ve had regarding life, and its many struggles, including those of gender, sex, mental illness, and everything in between. As a result, the language is often blunt, aggressive, shocking, and sometimes painful; similarly, my humor is often dry, self-deprecating, and dark. I write the way I speak and definitely the way I speak to myself which is not often nice.

While some things may be embellished, simplified, or exaggerated for the comic medium, there is always a truth to them for that snapshot of time.

Clip Studio Paint | 23 Dec 2018