Everywhere I look around

Mila’s Daydreams, Adele Enersen – Filand

Flying over Russia

Petals rain over Mila

Mila in space

Mila and the Elephant

Mila in the country with her little ted bear friends on the sunset

Mila in the circus ring

The little mermaid Mila

The little statue Mila

Mila on the stages

Mila, the giant baby

The little bunny Mila

Mila surfing

The paper doll Mila – make her look

The hairstylist Mila

Mila fishing

Mila in the swing

Little elf Mila in nature
Mila and the warewolf

Flautist Mila

Mila riding the horse

Mila walking her dog

Mila rope jumping 

Mila in the field with her little sheep

Mila to dry

Mila little pearl protected by the octopus

Mila and the leopard

Mila and her book cocoon
Mila Christmas!

Adele Enersen se auto intitula escritora e designer de conceito publicitário, mas atualmente o seu hobby favorito é tirar fotos da sua bebê Mila enquanto ela dá os seus cochilos…

Adele aproveita esse momentos e cria cenários ao redor da filha e fotografar, na maior parte para a sua própria família, mas a criatividade das fotos deu origem a um blog chamado Mila’s Daydreams e ficaram famosas no mundo inteiro!

Fofo demais, não é não?!
Adele Enersen introduce herself as a copywriter & concept designer in advertising, but nowadays her favorite hobby is to take pictures from her baby MIla while she’s taking her naps…

Adele takes these moments and create scenes around her daugther to take quick snap photos, mostly to her family, but the criativity on her pictures turned into a blog called Mila’s Daydreams and became famous around the world!

Cute or what?!

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