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Last Updated: Thursday, 5 February, 2004, 20:14 GMT
Transsexual reality show pay-out
bbc photograph
Miriam was wooed by six men for the show
Six men who unwittingly wooed a transsexual for a reality TV show have received pay-outs from Sky.

The men had threatened to take legal action to prevent Sky from screening the show, but received an undisclosed amount instead.

Sky also apologised for "any upset caused" to the contestants, who were unaware that Miriam was a transsexual until the end of the show.

The show, There's Something About Miriam, will be screened this month.

The men had raised objections with Sky One and production company Brighter Pictures.

It was never the intention of Brighter Pictures or Sky to upset the contestants and they are sorry for any upset caused
Brighter Pictures
The programme shows some of the men "get intimate" before discovering that they have been set up.

"Following the concerns recently raised by the contestants in Brighter Pictures production of There's Something About Miriam for Sky One, the parties are pleased to announce that these have been addressed and the matter is now resolved," Brighter Pictures said.

"It was never the intention of Brighter Pictures or Sky to upset the contestants and they are sorry for any upset caused."

A spokesman for Schillings, the law firm representing the six contestants, declined to disclose the sum the contestants had been paid.

The spokesman said at the time: "They had absolutely no inkling that Miriam was anything other than a woman.

"The first time they had any idea was at the end of filming when the secret was revealed.

"They would hardly have had such a strong reaction to the news if they had suspected anything."

Men 'suspected' TV transsexual
05 Nov 03  |  Entertainment
Sky shelves transsexual show
31 Oct 03  |  Entertainment

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