2. apr. 2017 · I have heard that an estimated licensing cost for one such project wound up being about $80,000 all told. This is purely if you are selling it.
28. maj 2018 · A license will cost you more than 10k. You need a license and all the legal stuff before you can sell a source engine game on steam.
13. nov. 2023 · I recently asked Valve this question. They told me that at the moment Source is no longer licensed.
12. jan. 2024 · The main difference with a license is you can sell your creation as a Game and you get full engine access. You can do anything you want with a mod (aka no ...
21. nov. 2024 · You need to speak to Valve's legal team. Steamworks can't do much. You will most likely need to pay for licensing.
9. mar. 2020 · It is negotiated per project, you have to contact Valve about it to get an exact price, but from what I have heard its around $50k.
9. jul. 2022 · Do I have to buy a Havok license? A. In the past it was necessary for commercial mods based on the Source Engine to purchase a separate license ...
28. mar. 2023 · Valves definition comes down to if you are making money in any way from their engine outside of direct donations that have no strings attached.
20. aug. 2021 · Hi all, I had an idea for a game and I believe the knowledge to do it and I think the source engine would just be the best engine to make it on…
13. mar. 2022 · For any Source Engine game that charges money, Havok needs to be paid a licensing fee of $25,000 for the physics engine. You will need to pay ...