BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels ...
Folk spørger også om
What is the Bjarke Ingels group?
How many people work at Bjarke Ingels Group?
Who is the owner of BIG DK?
How much does Bjarke Ingels make?
Bjarke Ingels Group, often referred to as BIG, is a Copenhagen, New York City, London, Barcelona, Shenzhen, Oslo and Los Angeles-based group of architects ...
Bjarke Ingels
Dansk arkitekt
Bjarke Bundgaard Ingels er en dansk arkitekt, der leder arkitektgruppen Bjarke Ingels Group, der har skabt nogle af de mest markante byggerier og byrum i København og byer overalt i verden. Wikipedia
Født: 2. oktober 1974 (50 år), København, Danmark
Partner: Ruth Otero
Uddannelse: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · Barcelona Tech - UPC (1999) og Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi
Forældre: Elisabet Ingels og Knud Bundgaard Jensen
Kendte værker: Se Galleri eller se på
Yes is More - en tegneserie om arkitektonisk evolution
Emerging European Architectures
Social Infrastructure: New York
Yes is more: ein Archicomic zur Evolution der Architektur : [anlässlich der Ausstellung Yes Is More, close-up im Dänischen Architekturzentrum in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 21. Februar - 31. Mai 2009]
Kistefos-Museet Sculpture Park (Norwegian Edition)
Drift: Choreographing the Future
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BIG architects, urbanists, engineers, landscape, interior/product designers, researchers & inventors based in CPH, NYC, LON, BCN, LA, OSL, ZRH & SZN.
BIG is a Copenhagen, New York, London, Barcelona, Shenzhen, Los Angeles, Oslo, and Zurich-based group of architects, designers, engineers, builders, ...
The Copenhagen-based business Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) is responsible for some of the most forward-thinking examples of modern architecture in the world ...
Architecture projects from BIG, an Architecture Office firm centered around Residential Architecture.
Danish-born Bjarke Ingels is regarded as a giant in the field of architecture. He started his firm—the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)—in 2005 in Copenhagen.