... scarlet-flowered east- ern wildflower. Order Monarda fistulosa, which is the botanical name for that prairie ... Cambridge Scarlet'. This cultivar is a selection that has some desirable char- acteristic such as flower color or ...
... Monarda hybrids ( hybrid bee balm ) : Most cata- logs list this plant under the name M. didyma , but while the two ... Cambridge Scarlet ' is a 3 - foot ( 90 - cm ) cultivar with flaming red flowers . Spread : 3 feet ( 90 cm ) ...
... bee balm is obvious on any sunny day in summer , when bees continuously visit the flowers . The two most commonly grown species , M. didyma and M. fistulosa , hybridize freely resulting in excellent garden varieties such as ' Cambridge ...
... MONARDA PLANT NAMED ' FIRE MARSHALL ' ( 50 ) Latin Name : Monarda Hybrid Varietal Denomination : Fire Marshall ( 75 ) ... Scarlet ' ( not patented ) , which is similar to ' Fire Mar- shall ' in having inflorescences that are red in ...